Tuesday, September 16, 2008

direction and momentum

I named this blog direction and momentum because that is what I am thinking about right now.
It is often what I think of.
Direction, momentum and inertia .
That seemed like too long of a title.


  1. I had to grab the moment. After all how many times do you get the opportunity to go to a blog and increase the number of comments 100%.

    The blog looks good. The title selection using momentum instead of inertia looks good also. Momentum deals with moving bodies and the length of time it will take to bring them to rest when under the action of a constant force or moment. I thought the synonym was inertia, but it isn't. It is impetus.

    Inertia, on the other hand, is the property of matter at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by some outside force. The French derivation of the word is close to inertness. Its meaning is lack of skill.

    So clearly your interest is more in bodies in motion than those unable to move. Only when there is momentum does direction become important. Or as the old poster title says, "What's the use of running, if you are on the wrong road?'
