Monday, January 26, 2009

Little Things Matter

Do the little things really matter?
What difference do they really make?

If you are trying to attain a goal
and that goal is painfully far away,
any action you take in the direction of that goal
will be miniscule
compared to the total action necessary to acheive it.

"Why bother?" you might conclude.
What difference will my effort really make in the end?

Around the turn of the twentieth century
mathemeticians and physicist began to notice a phenomenon
which eventually came to be known as "chaos theory."

What chaos theory attempts to demonstrate
is how extremely minute changes
to the initial conditions of a system
can create emormously different outcomes.

That is; a tiny difference in where you start
can make a huge difference in where you end out.

So if your goals seem so far away
as to make them unreachable
and your trajectory so misdirected
as to be uncorrectable,
remember the lesson
of the chaos theorists.

Make a small change now.
You never know where it could take you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Conservation of Energy

The simplest definition for the Law of Conservation of Energy can be stated as:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

A result of this law is that
it is impossible for a device
to produce more energy
than is put into it.

What are you looking to accomplish in your life?
Financial gain?
Harmony and love in the household?

None of these can return more
than what is put into them.
And the only thing fully in your control
is what YOU put into them.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Inch by Inch, Life's a Cinch

When I was growing up, my father used to say,
"Inch by inch, life's a cinch.
Mile by mile, life's a trial."

Now my father is pretty cheesy,
and I am pretty arrogant,
and so I scoffed at his commentary.

But it is true.

So many things in life seem overwhelming
because we look at where we currently are
and compare it to where we want to be
and see an impossibly wide chasm between the two.

What we need to do is break the task into small,
easily accomplished steps.
The two most important things in this process are
direction and momentum.

When determining the steps,
work backwards from the end result
back to the current situation.
That way you can be assured
that the steps you take today
lead in the correct direction.

And once you start, keep moving.
Newton's first law of inertia states
"an object at rest tends to stay at rest,
and an object in motion tends to stay in motion."

Make sure you are in motion
and that your motion is
in the direction of your goals.